Blog, General

Two New Language Localizations

In the spirit of Christmas, I’m pleased to announce that starting today two new language localizations are available for this publication – French and Russian.

In 2019 I began the process of making my content more broadly available to everyone across the globe by introducing our first localizations of Chinese and Spanish, and I’m very pleased that we’re ending 2020 on a high note by expanding those language offerings. It is my sincere hope that these translations are helpful in sharing this publication to as many people as possible, even if English is not their first language.

As always you can select your preferred localization from the drop down at the top of any article, or from the footer of this website.

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About Jason

Jason is an experienced entrepreneur & software developer skilled in leadership, mobile development, data synchronization, and SaaS architecture. He earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science from Arkansas State University.
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