
Whole Database Synchronization – First Draft

Writing a book is a lot of work, but has also been rewarding. For the past month, I have been writing, bit-by-bit, line-by-line, and have progressed to the point where I feel like the first chapter of my book, Data Synchronization: Patterns, Tools, & Techniques, is to a state where I’d feel comfortable calling it a first draft.

Titled Whole Database Synchronization, it represents not just the first chapter of my book, but also one of the very first patterns many developers encounter when beginning their journey with data synchronization. In this chapter, I provide real-world insights, and discuss the full-stack of development – from database, to API, to mobile application – with example code along the way.

Here are some fun facts about this first draft:

  • It has 4742 words
  • Has been revised 143 times
  • Exceeds 28 printed pages
  • Is available free, right now!

As always, feedback is welcome, and I very much look forward to hearing from you.

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About Jason

Jason is an experienced entrepreneur & software developer skilled in leadership, mobile development, data synchronization, and SaaS architecture. He earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science from Arkansas State University.
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