General, Leadership

I Make Seven

Jason / October 14, 2019
The path ahead

For many it is not the destination, but the journey, that makes an adventure. I can relate. Two years ago I joined Summit ESP, and began a journey that I will never forget.

There were many things that attracted me to Summit, but perhaps the one that influenced me the most were the people. I felt – and still do feel – that they had put together a top-notch team. Truly one of the single best teams I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. read more


8 Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Jason / January 1, 2019

Silhouette of Man Raising His Hands

With New Years upon us so too is the dreaded tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. According to some sources, nearly half of all Americans begin each year with a resolution, and of those more than 9 out of every 10 will fail to achieve their goal. Why is this? Perhaps some resolutions are destined to failure, but many could have achieved their goals had they properly committed themselves. read more