Blog, Internet

The Personal Website Is Dead

Jason / January 16, 2019
Is the personal website going the way of the dodo?

Recently Motherboard carried a piece on The Rise and Demise of RSS – a fascinating account of how the web has changed over the past two decades. Underscored in the article is the shift to social media that has occurred over the past decade. Most young people consume their news from social media, so it is no surprise that the need for a turn-of-the-millennium technology like RSS might be waning. read more


Always Be Prepared?

Jason / January 6, 2019

Perhaps it was my years as a Scout, and their insistence on always being prepared for whatever might come your way, but I have always carried more adapters than I could possibly need around with me in my bag. The idea of being caught without a cable or adapter for some tech gadget is distasteful, to say the least. read more


8 Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Jason / January 1, 2019

Silhouette of Man Raising His Hands

With New Years upon us so too is the dreaded tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. According to some sources, nearly half of all Americans begin each year with a resolution, and of those more than 9 out of every 10 will fail to achieve their goal. Why is this? Perhaps some resolutions are destined to failure, but many could have achieved their goals had they properly committed themselves. read more