Archive, ASP.NET, aspNETserve

aspNETserve Version 1.2 Finally Released

Just today I was able to release aspNETserve version 1.2!

After the birth of my son I took a few months off, so this project sat dormant for awhile. Now that he has been sleeping regularly (and I have too ), I have been able to contribute to my open source project again.

If you haven’t checked out aspNETserve, you should really look into it. It is by no means a replacement for IIS, not yet anyways. But, it still proves to be very helpful. One of the new features in version 1.2 that I am excited about is the "Host in aspNETserve" context menu. From just about anywhere in Windows you can now right click on a directory and start hosting your web application.

I cannot think of how many times I have downloaded sample web applications off the net, and had wished I had this feature earlier. Now you can take that website for a test spin without having to configure IIS.

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About Jason

Jason is an experienced entrepreneur & software developer skilled in leadership, mobile development, data synchronization, and SaaS architecture. He earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science from Arkansas State University.
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